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拍出美美的你: 5个小妙招帮你搞定节日照

来源:互联网 2023-02-20 17:16:44 127

Holiday photos only come around once a year, so of course, you want them to be special. But who needs to hire a professional when you can take great card-worthy pictures yourself?R8L办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

圣诞节、跨年夜,一年才拍这么一次假期照,你当然想让它们特别一点。但是如果你自己就能拍出能印上贺卡的照片,你还用得着找专业摄影师吗?R8L办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

Have a read, then get snapping; you'll want everyone to see the results.R8L办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

看了这五点之后再拍照,你会忍不住和别人分享你的美照哦!R8L办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!


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    1. Plan AheadR8L办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

    提前计划R8L办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

    Before you start snapping, iron out all the details about the kind of picture you want.R8L办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

    在你拍照之前,请想好你想拍的照片的所有细节。R8L办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

    Will you use props? Will you have a list of poses ready to try out?R8L办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

    你打算用一些小道具吗?你已经想好了准备尝试的所有拍照姿势?R8L办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

    拍出美美的你: 5个小妙招帮你搞定节日照R8L办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

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    2. Pay Close Attention to the BackgroundR8L办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

    密切留心拍照背景R8L办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

    Don't let something like a branch sticking out of someone's head or a trash can ruin the perfect photo opportunity.R8L办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

    别让一根伸出来的树枝挡住某人的头;别让一个垃圾桶破坏了照片的整体美感。R8L办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

    Before you snap, pay attention to all the distractions behind your subjects.R8L办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

    拍照之前,请留心拍照对象后面的干扰物。R8L办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

    拍出美美的你: 5个小妙招帮你搞定节日照R8L办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

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    3. OvershootR8L办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

    多按几次快门R8L办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

    It's always better to have too many photos to choose from than too little.R8L办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

    对于拍照来说,有的选总比没的选要好。R8L办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

    Try close-ups or step back for wider shots. Experiment with various angles (get low, climb high) and use different lenses, if you have them.R8L办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

    你可以尝试着拍特写或者退后几步试试广角镜头。此外,你还可以多角度拍摄(低下身子或者爬到高处);如果你有不同的镜头的话,你也可以试试多种镜头拍摄。R8L办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

    拍出美美的你: 5个小妙招帮你搞定节日照R8L办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

  • 3此文章非法爬取自百度经验
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    4. Get in ItR8L办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

    怎么让自己进入镜头R8L办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

    If you want to hop in the photo, take time to plan this, too. Invest in a tripod so you can prop up your camera.R8L办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

    如果你自己也想加入到镜头中,那你也需要时间来好好计划。你可以买一个三脚架来放照相机。R8L办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

    拍出美美的你: 5个小妙招帮你搞定节日照R8L办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

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    5. Get TechnicalR8L办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

    一些技术性的问题R8L办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

    Whether you're using your phone's camera or a DSLR, pay attention to the settings.R8L办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

    不管你是用手机拍照还是用单反,你都要对相机的设置留个心。R8L办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

    If you have a large group of people in the shot, you'll want to adjust your focus so everyone comes out clear. Plus, remember to steer clear of using flash: it only makes photos look less authentic!R8L办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

    如果你拍的是群体照,你得调整焦距让每个人的脸都是清楚的。除此之外,记住不要用闪光灯:那只会让照片失真!R8L办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

    拍出美美的你: 5个小妙招帮你搞定节日照R8L办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

  • 以上方法由办公区教程网编辑摘抄自百度经验可供大家参考!R8L办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

    标签: 妙招节日

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