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舌尖上的航海丨第7集 最后的“鲨鱼宴”

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“兄弟”号歺厅一隅,有套奇特的歺桌和歺椅,吸引了众多人的目光和好奇。i6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

专题图片i6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

这是一套用鲨鱼骨架拼凑而成的;雪白而形状各异的骨架,搭成十分别緻的桌椅,古怪又有趣。i6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

更令人惊异的是,歺桌上竖着一块用中英文写的木牌:“最后的鲨鱼宴“几个字。i6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

”兄弟”号是艘来往亚洲和非洲的定期集装葙班轮。i6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

在赤道附近的非洲海域锚地,船体周围浮游着各式各样的鱼类,特别引人注目的则是“海中霸王”鲨鱼。人们称这里是鲨鱼的“天堂”。i6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

鲨鱼贪食易钓。船锚泊期间,是船员垂钓鲨鱼的良好时机,也是船员喜爱的娱乐活动。鲨鱼一般1一2米长,重六七十公斤,大的有一二百公斤,常常结群而行,浩浩荡荡,十分贪食。尤其大风天气过后,海水浑浊,鲨鱼疲乏饥饿极易上钓。船员用细铁条制成尺把长的轮型”鱼钩”,以各类鱼和肉食做诱饵,将鱼钩抛至鲨鱼群游动的前方,鲨鱼就会猛扑过来,咬住鱼钩死死不放。有经验的船员用手指粗的细缆做钓绳,下端接上两米长的铁链条,防止钩绳被鲨鱼锋利的牙齿咬断。钩绳一端系在船桩或缆柱上,以免鲨鱼上钩挣扎时扭断人的手指和臂膀,待鲨鱼挣扎无力时再取钩。取钩时往往需要几人合力,甚至动用船上绞缆机邦忙。鲨鱼被钓上来时,仍然拼命用尾巴不仃地拍打甲板。人们用帚把和木棒有节奏地朝鲨鱼身上敲打,直到鲨鱼服服贴贴“束手就擒“为止。i6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

人们将鲨鱼肉烹调成”鲨鱼宴“,鱼肯做成玩具甚至有的别出心裁做成“乐器”,与当地的居民饮酒狂歌。i6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

赤道钩鲨成了船员一项特别的“活动”。i6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

”兄弟”号船员喜爱这项活动是首航非洲不久。i6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

一天,船在锚地抛锚等待泊位。当地热心的船舶代理,为增加船员生话乐趣,特地给船上带来一部,以真实资料为基础拍成的动画片:”鲨鱼之杰"。i6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

“鲨鱼之杰“遒述了十九世纪初期。一艘海盗船偷盗了英国海军一份绝密文件,海盗被捕后拒不认罪交待。正当审判进入僵局时,一艘英国军舰在加勒比海的赫坦岛捕到一尾鲨鱼,在鲨鱼胃里发现一本完整无损的笔记夲,经鉴定,正是海盗拋入大海的”绝密文件”。事实面前,海盗船长被处以绞刑。这具鲨鱼标本被放置在牙买加“海洋博物馆“。被人们誉为“鲨鱼之杰”。i6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

这部动画片引起了“兄弟”号船员的极大兴趣;鲨鱼不仅能食用,鲨鱼胃还是一个“天然保险櫃“哩!i6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

”兄弟”号船员开始在此海域大显身上,采用一切办法诱钓鲨鱼。i6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

一次,他们钓到一条足有二百斤重的深兰色大鲨鱼。破腹时,被鲨鱼吞食的鱼虾还活蹦乱跳,胃里还有五花八门的东西;小海龟,铁器,衣物,公文包…。i6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

“兄弟”号船员兴奋之余,将鲨鱼肉做成了丰盛的“鲨鱼宴”,把鱼骨制成了奇形怪状的桌椅。i6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

“兄弟“号歺厅一隅,鲨鱼骨制成的桌椅,成了船员享受“鲨鱼宴”的宝地,吸引了众多人的眼球和关注。i6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

在非洲赤道海域钓鲨,享受“鲨鱼宴”成了“兄弟”号船员的专利!i6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

但是,享受“鲨鱼宴”的好日子没坚持多久,一次偶然的变故,使奇特的鲨鱼骨歺桌上竖了块禁食令:最后的鲨鱼宴。i6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

事情发生在1986年的秋天。i6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

”兄弟”号调来一位名叫邹波的船长。i6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

这天,正值”中秋节“,“兄弟”号锚泊在非洲赤道附近一个锚地。船上准备了丰盛的节日佳肴,“鲨鱼宴”自然少不了。i6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

谁知,邹波船长围着热腾腾的”鲨鱼宴”绕了圈,迟迟没有下筷。i6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

邹波船长却讲一个人们意想不到的故事。i6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

几年前,邹波船长在一艘远航美洲的船上做船长,船靠泊在美国佛罗里达州一个港口。i6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

这天,正值正值圣诞节前夜。天刚亮,寂静的码头陡然聚集了大批游行的人群,人们高举着绘有大鲨鱼的标牌,高喊着禁止捕杀鲨鱼的标牌!i6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

原来一年前的圣诞节前夜,佛罗里达州一位名叫罗莎淋的女大学生约两名同学,乘船去游览馬勒庫岛风景区。返程路上,因游船漏水翻沉。人们穿上救生衣争先恐后爬上救生艇。不幸,罗莎琳和两名同学被风浪甩在海里。他们拼命朝远方的陆地游去…。i6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

风浪越来越大,他们无法游向远方的陆地。就在这时,一个黑色物体朝罗莎琳冲过来。i6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

罗莎琳定睛一看,原是一条二米多长的大鲨鱼。锋利的牙齿闪着吓人的光芒。罗莎淋知道遭遇了”杀人魔鬼”,自已必死无疑,紧闭双眼死抱看救生衣,等待恶运的到来。但是,奇迹发生了;鲨鱼只咬住她的救生衣,丝毫没有伤害她的意思。就在此刻,她的身边又冒出一条大鲨鱼。两条鲨鱼一左一右,伴护着罗莎琳朝陆地游去,不时轮流用头推她前进。更令人意外的是,一条鲨鱼突然潜入水中,不一刻,将一条咬掉尾巴的海鱼推到罗莎琳面前。饥肠辘辘的罗莎琳,边游边吃起半截鱼来。i6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

暮色降临,一架救援的直升机发现了罗莎琳,朝她抛下了救援绳梯。罗莎琳拼命爬上救援绳梯。這时,两条鲨鱼才恋恋不捨地潜入海底…。i6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

罗莎琳医治痊愈后,得知两位同学已葬身大海,她却因鲨鱼营救而幸免遇难。i6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

鲨鱼救人的故事,很多传遍了佛罗里达州。i6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

人们在感动之时,每当圣诞节前夜,都会自发来到海边,举行游行活动,在纪念鲨人救人的同时,呼吁人们不要乱捕鲨鱼…。i6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

“这是一个真实的故事。”邹波船长郑重地说:“爰护海洋生物是每个地球人的责任。近来,通过经过多方调查硏究,发现百分之九十八以上的鯊魚不会轻是伤人,可以与人类和平共处。世界许多地方自发组织了《绿色和平组织》,反对滥杀海洋生物!“i6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

In the grand terrace of the CL Brotherhood, there is a table and ai6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

chair that has garnered the attention of many of the ship’s visitors.i6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

This pair of dining furniture was assembled from the skeleton of ai6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

shark. The ash white bones of the shark were constructed into an eerilyi6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

shaped table and an unnaturally formed chair, giving people the impressioni6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

of a puzzling story.i6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

What was even more absurd, was that there was a plank placed on thei6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

table that read in both English and Chinese, “The Last Shark Feast”.i6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

The CL Brotherhood is a container ship that travels between Asia andi6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

Africa on a busy schedule. Whenever the Brotherhood dropped its anchorsi6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

near the equator on its way to Africa, its sailors often noticed manyi6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

different forms of marine life gathering around the ship, including thei6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

king of all fish, sharks. The regions off the coast of Africa are sometimesi6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

known as the sharks’ paradise.i6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

Because of how common they were in these seas, crews that sailed pasti6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

the region sometimes took an interest in trying to catch the sharks. Thei6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

sharks were around 1-2 meters in size, they weighed anywhere between 80 toi6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

260 pounds, and normally travelled in a shiver. Sharks also loved to eati6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

and prey on smaller animals, which made them an vulnerable target for thei6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

sailors. Especially after windy days at sea when the waters were turbid,i6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

the hungry and tired sharks were extremely easy to catch.i6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

The sailors filed a thin iron bar into the shape of a fish hook andi6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

used all sorts of small fish and meat as bait. As soon as they threw thei6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

hook out in the direction of where the shivers of sharks were swimming, thei6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

sharks would race towards the hook and bite onto it firmly with no chancei6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

of letting go. Experienced mariners used ropes that were thicker than theiri6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

fingers as the fishing rod and connected them to a metal chain that couldi6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

prevent the fish from chewing the rod in half. One end of the fishing rodi6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

was always tied to the side of the ship in order to prevent losing ai6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

struggle with the shark as the sailors pulled it up. Still, it usually tooki6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

at least several people to drag the shark up to the boat, and the sharki6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

would continue to struggle as long as it was still alive. After the sailorsi6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

dragged the shark on deck, it fiercely striked the floorboards with itsi6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

tail, desperate to return to the ocean. The men then used brooms or woodeni6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

boards to beat the shark to death, and then prepare a “shark feast” withi6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

the shark’s body. Any remaining bones were given to locals and made intoi6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

instruments or artworks.i6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

During their first voyage to Africa, the crew of the Brotherhood becamei6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

interested in this activity. As they waited for its berth at the anchorage,i6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

the local port manager decided to give the crew of the Brotherhood a gifti6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

to help them kill time. The gift contained an animated film called “Thei6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

Shark Hero”.i6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

“The Shark Hero” told a story set in the early 19th century. A piratei6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

ship had stolen a top secret document from the British Navy, and refused toi6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

confess to their crimes even after they were captured. Just as the triali6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

went into a deadlock, a British warship captured a shark in the Caribbeani6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

Seas and found a notebook inside of its stomach. The notebook was nonei6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

other than the stolen documents from the British Navy, and the piratei6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

captain was sentenced to walk the plank. The skeleton of the shark wasi6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

preserved and put on display in a Maritime Museum in Jamaica, and given thei6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

name “The Shark Hero”.i6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

The crew of the Brotherhood was enthralled by the movie. Not only didi6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

sharks make for a good meal, they also held the key to a pirate mystery.i6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

Curious, the sailors on the Brotherhood attempted to copy the exact methodsi6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

of other sailors in order to catch a shark.i6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

Once, the Brotherhood sailors caught a dark blue shark that weighed ai6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

total of 250 pounds. To their amazement, after they cut open the stomach ofi6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

the shark, they found that the shark had swallowed an enormous range ofi6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

different items, including small animals that were still alive and moving:i6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

small turtles, ironware, clothes, and even briefcases…i6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

The crew of the Brotherhood were beyond excited to have caught such ai6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

large shark, and promptly made the shark into a scrumptious “sharki6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

feast”, and arranged the remaining skeleton into an odd set of furniture.i6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

Since the Brotherhood often traversed around Africa, where sharksi6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

frequented, the seafarers on the Brotherhood began to hunt for sharks morei6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

and more often. However, the Brotherhood’s days of hunting sharks did noti6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

last for very long.i6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

During the fall of 1986, a new captain named Zou Bo was assigned to thei6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

Brotherhood. In order to welcome their new captain, the crew decided toi6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

prepare a grand Mid-Autumn Festival dinner, complete with a shark feast asi6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

its main course.i6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

But as Captain Zou Bo noticed the shark, he pranced around the tablei6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

and stared at it, without ever moving his chopsticks.i6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

Captain Zou Bo silenced his crew, and told them an extraordinary story.i6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

A few years ago, Zou Bo was the captain of a steamship that sailed toi6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

America. It docked in a port off the coast of Florida on Christmas Eve.i6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

On Christmas Day, to Zou Bo’s astonishment, a large crowd ofi6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

protestors gathered on the silent harbor, holding signs and chanting fori6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

the state to ban the hunting and killing of sharks!i6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

It turns out, that exactly one year ago, a college student from Floridai6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

named Rosalyn was visiting the Malekula Islands on vacation with two of heri6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

friends. On their way back home, the ship that they took sank horrificallyi6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

due to an unfortunate water leak. All the other passengers scrambled andi6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

fought to get a space on the liferafts, but Rosalyn and her friends werei6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

swept into the ocean by harsh waves and rigorous ocean winds. They musteredi6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

all their strength to swim to the nearby islands, but…i6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

The swells on the sea grew heavier and bleaker, and Rosalyn realizedi6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

that she couldn’t reach the island that was far in her horizon.i6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

As she was about to give up, Rosalyn noticed that a dark figure hadi6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

been dashing towards her in the water. Trying arduously to stay afloat,i6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

Rosalyn fixed her gaze on the figure and realized that it was a gigantici6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

shark, probably over two meters in length. Its teeth glowed with ai6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

frightening flare, and Rosalyn knew that she had come face to face with thei6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

devil of the ocean. She shut her eyes tightly and hung on to her lifei6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

jacket, knowing she was only minutes away from death.i6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

Except that she wasn’t. As if a miracle, the shark tugged gently ati6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

her life jacket and didn’t show any intention of hurting her. Anotheri6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

shark popped up next to Rosalyn, and the two sharks, one guarding her oni6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

each side, nudged her softly towards the land. With two sharks as heri6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

guardian angels, Rosalyn swam between the two of them and somehow regainedi6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

all her strength. Even more remarkably, one of the sharks dived deep intoi6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

the sea, surfaced with a small fish in his mouth, and pushed it againsti6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

Rosalyn. Exhausted and starving, Rosalyn gracefully accepted the gift fromi6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

her newly found shark buddies and wolfed it down while continuing to swimi6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

towards shore.i6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

As the sun set beyond the sea, a rescue helicopter spotted Rosalyn on ai6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

nearby island and dropped a rescue ladder towards her. With the lasti6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

remaining bit of her strength, she climbed up the ladder and towardsi6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

safety. Only then did the two sharks slowly retreat back into the ocean,i6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

disappearing beneaths the depths…i6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

After Rosalyn recovered, she found out that her friends had perished ati6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

sea, but she was somehow miraculously rescued by two incredible sharks.i6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

The story of these savior sharks was spread across Florida, touchingi6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

the hearts of many locals and tourists alike. Every Christmas, shark loversi6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

would gather around the harbor and protest against the hunting and killingi6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

of sharks while celebrating the anniversary of the day these two sharksi6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

saved Rosalyn’s life.i6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

“This is a true story,” Captain Zou Bo emphasized, “It isi6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

everybody’s responsibility to love and protect marine life that we have oni6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

this wonderful planet. According to many new studies conducted by marinei6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

biologists, more than 98% of sharks would never intentionally hurt ani6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

innocent person and can coexist with people peacefully. An increasingi6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

number of countries have now established environmental organizations thati6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

are strongly opposed to the unnecessary poaching of marine life!”i6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

After listening to Captain Zou Bo’s story, the crew of the Brotherhoodi6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

rapidly put together a sign that read “The Last Shark Feast” and set iti6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

on top of the table that was made from shark bones. The seafarers now had ai6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

new-found respect for the marvelous sea animals, and spread Captain Zoui6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

Bo’s tale across the entire nautical world.i6W办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

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