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舌尖上的航海丨第21集 酒坛子浸泡的轮船

来源:互联网 2024-11-10 22:13:24 版权归原作者所有,如有侵权,请联系我们

梅姐是位资深的海乘(邮轮服务员)。qgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

十几年的海上邮轮生涯,足跡几乎跑遍全球;《亚洲之星》《海上皇宫号》《瑪丽皇后号》《环球旅行者号》一这些设备齐全,豪华舒适的邮轮上都留下了梅姐的身影,那些形形色色的,来自世界各地的游客,五花八门的故事,稀奇古怪的习俗…都给梅姐留下了深刻的印象:邮轮不愧为《流动的联合国》,世界真是太神奇!太奇妙了!qgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

专题图片qgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

做为邮轮服务员,梅姐积累了丰富的服务经验和洞察能力:不通过语言,她只通过顾客的身著行动,就能识别对方的国藉和身份;有秩序排队登上邮轮,清一色戴着宽沿帽的老头老太太,老太太妆化的象“妖婆”,老头带看金丝眼镜,那是日本游客。穿着象女星一般,手里搭着VV包是欧卅的女游客,西服革履,腰里搭着皮制的“零钱包”,皮带上扣着钥匙串的准是中国游客,裹着羽绒服,短髪染成紫红色,红褐色的百分之百是俄罗斯大媽_。qgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

梅姐的精明和勤奋,受到外派劳务公司的好评和重视。一次,她被选派到往返与欧洲各国的,一艘特殊的号称《酒坛子浸泡的轮船》的《月亮王子号》做服务员。qgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

为啥称做《浸泡在酒坛子的轮船》呢?qgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

登上《月亮王子号》之前,梅姐有所耳闻:这艘以芬兰为中心的近海航线的豪华邮轮,主要游客是芬兰人。芬兰人对酒己达到了疯狂崇拜的程度,几乎聊天十句间没有不提到酒的。人们戏笑着说,十句不提酒就不是芬兰人!还盛传一则笑话,一个芬兰男人整天泡在酒坛里,一天不喝酒就活不下去。一天喝得酩酊大醉回到家中,驚叹地对妻子说,一个酒友醉后騎车摔了个满脸花。妻子听后,驚喜地连声说,你该戒酒了吧!谁知回答使人哭笑不得:“你给我准备个头盔,下次出门好戴上!“这虽然是则笑话,却说明芬兰人对酒的留恋和依赖。中国有句俗话,无酒不成席,芬兰人却“歺歺必备酒“,人们调揩芬兰成了“浸泡在酒坛子的国家。qgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

难道《月亮王子号》也与酒有关係吗?为啥叫《浸泡在酒坛子里的轻船》?qgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

梅姐登上《月亮王子号》不久就有了答案;果然名不虚传,地地道道《酒坛子浸泡的轮船》!。创造了《舌尖上航海》饮酒的世界吉尼斯记录!qgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

《月亮王子号》豪华邮轮上下共有八层,每层都有都有足球大的歺厅,酒吧,啇场,游乐园,赌坊,游泳池,观景台鳞次栉比一应俱全…,一艘名符其实的海上乐园,是芬兰有名以来最大最豪华的邮轮,来往北欧几个国家的近海航线。qgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

隨着欧州老年化的发展,许多国家的老年人走上了邮轮。一是养老金足够在邮轮上开支,更重要的是邮轮不仅提供优质服务,还能供老年人健身娱乐活动的没备,更何况“游山玩水”呢!qgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

但是,梅姐登上的《月亮王子号》却是另番景象。qgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

此刻正值欧州春暖花开的季节。《月亮王子号》舷梯旁挤满了等侯登轮的游客:男的,女的,老的少的,焦急地等待舷梯开放的时候。这与梅姐以往服务过的邮轮不同。据说游客中绝大多是芬兰人。qgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

原来这些芬兰人登轮的目的不是旅游而是为了买酒。一位海乘告诉梅姐,芬兰政府为了控制国民对酒的消费,对夲土出售的含有酒精的饮料得以极高的税率,所以芬兰夲土出售的酒价远远高于周边国家,尤其在免税的豪华邮轮上,酒价只有本土价格的一半,因此嗜酒的芬兰人把《月亮王子号》视为价廉的“酒桶”,不是去观光去旅游,而是成葙成葙|购酒,然后躲进船舱开怀畅饮。所以,人们戏称《月亮王子号》1是“浸泡在酒坛里的轮船”。更让梅姐未想到的是,这些芬兰人为了买上价康的酒,往往在邮轮开航前几小时,在舷杨口排上长长的队伍,舷梯刚一打开,人们就蜂拥而上。如果行动迟缓抡不到酒,船票就打了水漂。有人为了购酒,把《月亮王子号》的内部装饰图背得烂熟,以便用最短的路经找到船上的免税酒城。qgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

这次《月亮王子号》是由芬兰的赫尔辛基开往瑞典的斯德哥尔摩。qgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

梅姐按排好游客后,被喚到酒城维持秩序。qgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

免税酒城》设在船歺厅一隅。此刻歺厅里已经挤满了人,长长的购酒大军足有几十米长qgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

《月亮王子号》在碧兰的大海里缓缓行驶看,人们並没有被眼前波光粼粼景色吸引。而是手里拿到酒并子的人立刻开始了”酒精派对”:三五成群,歺厅里,走道里,舱室里…甚至厕所里,成伙结队地聚在一起,边说笑边狂饮。qgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

整个船舱充满了浓郁的酒精味,《月亮王子号》成了名行其实的《酒桶》世界!qgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

梅姐将一对半醉的芬兰青年夫妇扶坐在椅上,方才知晓这对夫妇为赶到《月亮王子号》上喝上一顿酒,专程座飞机赶来的…。qgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

几个航次后,梅姐找到了芬兰人嗜酒的原因:芬兰人爱酒与其居住的环境和地理位置有密切关系。芬兰人居住在欧州平均纬度最靠北的寒冷地区,冬季长达六个月之久,很少有机会开展室外活动,暂短的夏季,人们利用放假的机会躲进森林小屋里和宝贵的大自然生活在一起。大多数芬兰人性格内向,喜欢孤独和独居生活。一般都是喝酒,桑拿,烤香肠,唱酒…渐渐芬兰成了人们常说的“酒坛子里浸泡的国家”。qgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

在“酒坛子“里生活久了,许多芬兰人养成了嗜酒的习惯,認为喝酒不是坏事,尤其是年青的帅哥,酒不喝到一定程度,连开口搭讪女孩子的勇气都没有。芬兰政府明文规定,午夜12奌之后不得派对扰民,酒吧凌晨3点前必须关门。但是这一规定,並没有阻止芬兰人的嘻酒爱好,成群结队地躲进遍布芬兰森林各角落的森林小屋,这里配有烧烤屋和桑拿房。每到周未,成群结队穿流不息的人群赶到这里,随看森林小屋的袅袅轻烟,一股股酒香飘然而至…。qgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

为了控制国民对酒的消费,芬兰政府大幅度提高了酒的税率,嗜酒的芬兰人最终选择了免税的豪华邮轮《月亮王子号》。qgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

《月亮王子号》最终成了《浸泡在酒坛子的轮船》,而享誉世界航运界!qgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

Mei is a veteran seafarer and a cruise attendant.qgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

After a decade of drifting at sea, Mei left her mark on countless cruise ships all over theqgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

world: The MV China Star, The SS Palace, the RMS Queen Mary, and the SS Globetrotter -qgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

Mei had worked on all of them, interacting with guests from all cultures and backgrounds,qgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

listening to their riveting stories, and taking part in their unique customs… She believed thatqgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

cruise ships could be compared to a United Nations Assembly room at sea, where she couldqgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

learn from and speak to anyone she wanted to.qgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

As a cruise attendant, Mei had accumulated an abundance of experience in recognizingqgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

and deducing the personality and nationality of her guests before they even utter a singleqgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

word. For example, the old couple wearing straw hats with golden-rimmed sunglasses whoqgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

waited patiently to board the ship in an orderly manner, had to be from Japan. The tall womanqgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

dressed like a movie star with a designer handbag on her arm was probably from Europe, theqgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

man who wore a suit and leather shoes with a pair of keys attached to his belt buckle wasqgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

definitely a Chinese tourist, and the middle-aged lady who had the hair dyed purple with aqgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

down jacket was 100% from Russian.qgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

Mei’s work ethic and cheerful attitude was often praised by the cruise company.qgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

Eventually, she was promoted and assigned to a luxurious European cruise ship named TheqgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

Moon Prince, which was nicknamed “The Steamship Soaked in Wine” by some of herqgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

coworkers.qgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

“But how did it get this fascinating nickname?” Mei asked her colleagues, but no oneqgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

could give an exact answer.qgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

Before starting her position on the Moon Prince, Mei was informed that since thisqgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

beautiful cruise ship centered its route around Finland, a majority of its guests were Finnish.qgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

People from Finland are well-known for their fondness for alcohol, and some cruiseqgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

attendants joked that if the guest could speak ten sentences without asking where the alcoholqgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

was, then they were definitely not Finnish.qgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

So perhaps the nickname of the Moon Prince had something to do with how its guestsqgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

loved to drink…qgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

Mei had her answer shortly after she stepped onboard the ship. The Moon Prince wasqgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

definitely soaked in wine, and even won a world record for the largest amount of alcoholqgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

consumed on a cruise ship.qgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

The grand interior of the Moon Prince had eight stories in total, with a famousqgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

restaurant, bar, shopping district, children’s play area, casino, swimming pool, andqgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

observation deck on each floor. The Moon Prince was a playground on the ocean, and was theqgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

most sizable cruise ship from Finland.qgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

Not only did the energetic youths of Finland love the Moon Prince, older generationsqgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

liked to visit, too. Retired individuals could buy a ticket for the Moon Prince with just theirqgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

retirement bonus, and more importantly, the Moon Prince provided both high-end service forqgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

the elderly and specific equipment and activities that catered to older people’s interests!qgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

However, the Moon Prince that Mei boarded was vastly different from her expectations.qgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

Mei began her new position on the Moon Prince at the beginning of spring, when theqgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

ocean breezes blew a little warmer and the flowers at the port slowly blossomed. The rampqgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

leading up to the cruise ship was filled with guests: both men and women, young and oldqgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

waited excitedly for the gangway to open. The majority of guests appeared to be Finnish,qgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

which was different from other cruises that Mei had served on.qgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

It turns out that these Finnish guests boarded the Moon Prince not to travel, but to buyqgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

alcohol. One of the seafarers told Mei that in order to control the consumption of alcohol inqgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

Finland, the Finnish government highly increased the tax rate of alcoholic beverages sold inqgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

the country. So the price of drinking in neighboring countries was much lower for FinnishqgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

people, especially on tax-free cruise ships where the cost of alcohol was only half of what itqgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

was in Finland. That’s why Finnish nationals who loved drinking liked to sail on the MoonqgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

Prince not to go sightseeing, but to buy alcohol by entire boxes and crates, and then retreatqgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

back to their cabins and drink themselves under the table. That was the reason why peopleqgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

jokingly referred to the Moon Prince as the “Cruise Ship Soaked in Wine”.qgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

What was even more astounding to Mei was that many of the Finns would line up hoursqgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

before the gangway opened just to get a good deal on alcohol. They flocked onto the ship asqgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

soon as the doors opened, and if they were even a minute too late to the bar or the liquorqgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

store, then they considered their tickets wasted. The most extreme drinkers even memorizedqgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

the interior design of the Moon Prince so that they would get to the duty-free liquor storeqgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

before anyone else.qgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

This time, the Moon Prince was sailing from Helsinki, Finland to Stockholm, Sweden.qgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

Mei was assigned to manage the liquor store after checking in her guests.qgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

The duty-free liquor store was situated next to the onboard restaurant. The queue to theqgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

store extended all the way into the restaurant, and could probably measure to several milesqgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

long. Even though the Moon Prince sailed on a borderless ocean of beaming blue, the guestsqgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

didn’t pay a single ounce of attention to the exceptional scenery, and cheered as they got theirqgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

hands on cheap alcohol, setting their party into motion straight away. In the restaurant, in theqgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

cabins, on the observation deck, in the casino - friends and even strangers gathered together,qgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

gulfing down shots and exchanging stories and laughter with one another.qgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

The smell of alcohol filled every corner of the Moon Prince, quickly transforming theqgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

luxurious cruise ship into a heaven for alcoholics.qgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

Mei stayed around the restaurant to ensure the safety of her drunk crew members. OneqgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

couple quickly became wasted and unable to stand for a minute longer, so she helped themqgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

back to their cabin. On their way, the couple drunkenly told Mei that they had flown toqgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

Helsinki from a small town in Finland just to get a taste of the cheap alcohol.qgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

After a few voyages with the Moon Prince, Mei figured out that the reason why FinnishqgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

people loved to drink so much may have something to do with the environment andqgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

geographical location of Finland. Finland stood at the northernmost point of Europe, whereqgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

the weather was persistently cold and chilling. Winter in Finland extended for half of theqgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

entire year, sometimes preventing the citizens from holding activities outdoors, and duringqgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

summer the Finns made use of this precious time and liked to camp out in forest huts andqgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

appreciate nature. A majority of Finnish people were also quite introverted, and preferred toqgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

live in peace and silence. They generally enjoyed drinking, going to saunas, eating sausages,qgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

and singing with one another. Alcohol was essential to their way of life.qgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

Many Finns believe that drinking wasn’t actually a bad thing, but instead an honorableqgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

tradition. Particularly for younger, introverted men, they may not even have the confidence toqgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

speak to people they’re interested in without the help of a little alcohol.qgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

The Finnish government had set down many rules that conflicted with Finnish drinkingqgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

habits: no parties were allowed after 12am, and bars must be closed after 3. But theseqgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

regulations did not stop the Finnish people from drinking: after closing hours, they retreatedqgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

back home or to their vacation houses in the forests, which were complete with barbecueqgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

grills and sauna rooms. On the weekends, the delicious smell of meat and alcohol flowed outqgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

from numerous houses, and the sound of laughter could be heard almost everywhere…qgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

No matter how the government tried to stop Finns from drinking, they always seemed toqgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

find a way. Now, the Moon Prince, which allowed them to drink cheap alcohol however theyqgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

wanted to, became the Finns’ second home.qgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

The Moon Prince was undoubtedly a cruise ship soaked in wine, and was a strange yetqgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

endearing cruise that grew to be beloved all around the world.qgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

以上内容由办公区教程网摘抄自中国科普网可供大家参考!qgY办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!


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