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舌尖上的航海丨第23集 有“身份“的《海上大蛋糕》

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这是个使人大开眼界又十分有趣的海上故事。C3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

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《北极熊》号远洋货轮是以德国船员为主的巴拿马藉集装葙船。C3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

船仃靠在德国汉堡当天,正值中国水手申琛三十岁生日。申琛是唯一的中国藉船员。C3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

船上大厨汉斯是地道的德国日尔曼人,与申琛是好朋友。C3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

汉斯得知申琛三十岁生日,又是夲命年,准备做一个大蛋糕表示祝贺。C3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

这时汉斯发现储藏间的鸡蛋已剩无几,就带着申琼来到当地超市,准备购买一些鸡蛋。C3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

申琛耒自己中国山东的沂蒙山区,家里是当地十里八乡有名的养鸡大户,生产的鸡蛋环保又营养丰富。几年前,喜爱航海的申琛从航海学校毕业后,开始了与大海为伴的远航生涯。从而使他大开眼界。瑰珣燦烂的异国风情,丰富多来的饮食文化,千奇百怪的风土人情…,使他目不暇接感慨万分i世界真是太奇妙太精采了!做一名远洋船员值得骄傲值得自豪!C3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

对于釆买鸡蛋,对申琛可谓“行家里手”,申琛是在鸡场里长大的!但是随汉斯到外国采购鸡蛋还是第一次,却使申琛大开眼界。德国超市出售的鸡蛋均用精致的纸盒包装,6个或10个一盒。纸盒上标有不同的价格,数量和产地外,还标有鸡蛋的质量标准:散养鸡蛋,圈养鸡蛋,生蛋母鸡的饲养方法…,以及产蛋的时间。汉斯在上船做厨师前曾做过超市的营销员。汉斯告诉申琛,这些标誌打开鸡蛋盒就一目了然,每个鸡蛋都标有一串红色的代碼,这是鸡蛋的身份证!C3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

“鸡蛋也有身份证?”申珲不禁惊叫起来:”简直太神奇了!“C3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

“对!”汉斯打开一个装有鸡蛋的盒子,取出一只鸡蛋,摆在申珲面前:”鸡蛋上标有0一DE一0357451的字样。0表示绿色生物鸡蛋,DE代表德国当地生产,后面的数字是具体养殖场的地址和鸡舍的编号,以及产蛋的时间!”C3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

听了汉斯的介绍,申琛将鸡蛋拿在手中反复的仔细观看着,突然产生了新奇的想法。申琛凑近汉斯,悄悄耳语几句。汉斯听完呵呵大笑,连声说道:“有意思!太有理想力。“C3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

原来,申琛一年多前来到《北报熊》号时,船上除了他一名中国船员外,儿乎都是德国藕船员。可谓“人生地不熟“。但是,船上的德国船员对他如同本国兄弟一样亲热,不仅让他很快熟悉了船上的工作,一次申琛患了重感冒,船上的船员轮流昼夜守在他身边,令他十分感动。这次大厨汉斯又特地为他做生日蛋糕,真跟在家里过生日一样温暖。为了感谢大伙对他的关爰,在随汉斯购买有“身份证”鸡蛋时,萌发了特制一个特殊的大蛋糕。以表示对船上船员的感激。申琛的想法得到汉斯的称赞和認同。C3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

到底要做一个什么样的蛋糕呢?C3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

俩人做了認真地硏究:既要把这些标有“身份”的鸡蛋充分利用,又要与每个船员有关联。终于他们找出了一个十全十美的方案。C3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

接着俩人按制作特殊蛋糕的计划方案,将装有“身份证“鸡蛋的包装盒挑起挑去,选购足足一个小推車。C3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

回船的路上,申珲除了对德国人的認真精业精神的敬佩外,一直啄磨刚才与汉斯啇量做大蛋糕的事。C3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

“对!”汉斯笑着地说:“制作一只特殊的大蛋糕,要创造一项《海上大蛋糕》的世界吉尼斯纪录!”据汉斯讲过去船员生日都会做个大蛋糕,但这次却与众不同C3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

回到船上,按着俩人策划的方案先找到船长,将船员的花名册仔细抄录下来,然后将买的鸡蛋分产地和时间与每位船员的出生地和时间,一一排列组合起来,共计组合了三十六组。C3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

随后,俩人躲进厨房,和面,调料,烘烤…足足忙了一个下午。晚歺时,一个直径约一米的大蛋糕抬上歺桌。C3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

船上歺厅里挤满了人,除了值班船员外,几乎所有船员均到了场:”这是块啥样的大蛋糕?!”人们围在大蛋糕周围惊奇地端望着。C3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

大蛋糕上用中德两国文字标出:中德友谊天长地久!船长按照大厨汉斯事先安排的程序,在一片”祝你生日快乐”的歌声中,将大蛋糕分成了三十六份,然后幽默地笑着说;”这是海上最有《身份的大蛋糕》!。C3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

人们怀着疑惑的目光望着船长。C3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

站在旁边的大厨汉斯揭开了最有《身份的大蛋糕》的密秘。原来申琛了解到采购的鸡蛋都有产地和产蛋时间,就决定按照船上船员的出生地和出生时间来选购鸡蛋,作成一个十分特殊的生日蛋糕,以感谢船员对他的关爱。申珲的想法得到大厨汉斯的認同和支持。为了确保每个船员资料的准确性。回船后特地找到船长核对了船员《花名册》,最后俩人在众多鸡蛋选出了与每个船员的出生地和出生月份相符的鸡蛋,制出了一个奇特的有“身份”的海上大蛋糕!C3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

难得人们称这只有《“身份”的海上大蛋糕》創造了”舌尖上航海”的世界吉尼斯纪录呢!C3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

This story is both eye-opening and very entertaining.C3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

The Eisbar was a cargo ship that usually delivered shipments to Panama from Germany,C3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

and the majority of its sailors were German. Once, when the Eisbar stopped by the Port ofC3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

Hamburg to pick up a new freight, it happened to be Chinese sailor Shen’s thirtieth birthday.C3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

Shen was the only Chinese seafarer on the Eisbar. Hans, the head chef on the ship, wasC3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

close friends with Shen and wanted to make an enormous cake for the entire crew in order toC3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

celebrate. But when he looked into the fridge, he realized that the ship had almost run entirelyC3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

out of eggs.C3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

Shen and Hans stepped onto the streets of Hamburg in search of a supermarket. As theyC3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

walked around, Shen reminisced about his hometown in the Yimeng Mountains in Shandong,C3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

China, where his own family made a living raising chickens that hatched their own eggs.C3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

Buying eggs had never been a problem for him before, as the eggs hatched by his ownC3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

chickens were delicious and extremely nutritious. Shen left his hometown only a few yearsC3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

ago to go to Maritime College, and then set out on a new life with nothing but his ship, hisC3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

crew, and the ocean to accompany him. This allowed him to achieve his dream of travelingC3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

the world: he had seen the magnificent beauty of countless nations, tried a myriad of uniqueC3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

and flavorful cuisines, and experienced firsthand the unforgettable feeling of meetingC3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

someone from an entirely different culture for the first time. Never once had he regretted hisC3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

decision to boldly leave behind the comfort of his hometown, and become a man of the sea.C3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

Because Shen grew up tending to chickens, he knew exactly how to pick out a goodC3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

batch of eggs. But since it was his first time shopping for eggs in a foreign country, Shen wasC3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

pleasantly surprised at the amount of care German supermarkets placed into these commonC3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

yet enjoyable ingredients. The eggs were packaged in delicate cardboard boxes, each oneC3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

containing 6-8 eggs. The price varied with each box not only due to the number of eggsC3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

included, but also the time and place where it was hatched, the conditions of the coop it wasC3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

hatched in, and what kinds of fodder was fed to the chicken. Before Hans worked on theC3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

Eisbar, he used to work in a grocery store deli, and told Shen it was super easy to figure outC3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

whether or not the eggs were in good condition: just open up the carton and check the egg’sC3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

ID number!C3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

“Even eggs have ID numbers?” Shen asked in awe, “That’s awesome!”C3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

“Yes!” Hans opened a carton of eggs and picked one out randomly. He stared at it for aC3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

moment, then said, “This egg’s ID number is 0-DE-0357451. The 0 means that the eggC3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

was hatched sustainably, DE is the code for Germany, and the rest of theC3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

numbers refers to the farm and coop where the egg was hatched!”C3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

Hans handed the egg to Shen, who observed it carefully. Suddenly, aC3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

bizarre idea hatched inside his mind, and he leaned in close to Han andC3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

whispered it to him. Hans chuckled at Shen’s preposition, telling him,C3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

“How imaginative! Let’s try it out.”C3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

When Shen arrived on the Eisbar a year ago, aside from him, almost allC3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

other sailors were from Germany, so Shen had a little bit of a cultureC3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

shock. However, the German crew members on the Eisbar treated Shen as oneC3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

of their own and quickly helped him get accustomed to his duties on theC3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

ship. When Shen caught a fever during his first year, his crewmates tookC3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

turns taking care of him no matter day or night. Shen was touched and movedC3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

beyond words, and gained immense respect for his fellow crew members. Now,C3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

Hans had decided to make him a birthday cake on his thirtieth birthday soC3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

that he could feel even more comfortable and at home. In order to repay theC3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

crew’s kindness, Shen came up with the idea to make a cake that was extraC3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

special, and Hans immediately agreed to his request.C3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

Shen was determined to make use of these unique eggs from Germany andC3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

somehow make every single sailor on the Eisbar feel included at the sameC3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

time. Shen and Hans walked around the market, picking and choosing cartonsC3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

of eggs with distinct ID numbers on them, and ended up with an entireC3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

shopping cart full of them.C3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

Shen was truly amazed by the amount of precision and care that theC3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

German supermarket placed into every single detail. Inspired, Shen wentC3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

over his plan with Hans, who smiled and said, “We need to make a huge,C3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

splendid cake - the grandest cake ever made on a ship in maritimeC3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

history!”C3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

Shen knew that Hans made a cake for every single crew member'sC3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

birthday, but this time was different. On their way back, they stopped byC3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

their captain’s office and copied down every single name on the captain’sC3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

crew roster. Shen and Hans then matched the eggs’ place of origin withC3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

each sailor’s birthplace and time, listing out over thirty rows on a pieceC3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

of paper.C3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

The two of them returned to the kitchen, prepared all theirC3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

ingredients, and baked for an entire afternoon. During dinner, they broughtC3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

the almost one-meter long cake out onto the terrace and placed it onto theC3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

table. The dining room was filled with all members of the crew except forC3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

the few men who were on shift. Everyone gathered around Shen and Hans’C3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

creation, and exclaimed, “What an incredible cake!”C3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

Next to the cake, Shen and Hans wrote a small sign that said, “TheC3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

first German-Chinese cake in Maritime History” in both Chinese and German.C3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

While the crew members sang “Happy Birthday” to Shen, he cut the cakeC3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

into thirty-six even pieces and handed them to every single sailor.C3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

“This has to be the biggest cake ever made!” The sailors declaredC3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

happily. They stared at Shen and Hans in disbelief, wondering how they cameC3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

up with this strange idea.C3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

Hans finally began explaining their masterpiece as he finished up hisC3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

piece. When Shen found out about the identification numbers of the eggs inC3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

the supermarket, he decided to pick out each egg specifically to match theC3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

Eisbar’s crew members’ hometowns and birthdates, and to make a birthdayC3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

cake with eggs that related directly to each sailor’s past to thank themC3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

for their hospitality and kindness. Both Hans and the captain loved Shen’sC3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

idea, so after they returned to the ship, they looked through theC3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

captain’s roster to make sure they got the perfect eggs for each seafarer.C3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

This cake represented every single member of the Eisbar’s crew, making itC3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

an unparalleled, exceptional cake!C3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

None of the sailors aboard on the Eisbar that day would ever forgetC3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

about this cake, making it go down in history as the most special birthdayC3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

cake ever made at sea.C3e办公区 - 实用经验教程分享!

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